Tuesday, July 8, 2008

MLS STATS 6/3/008 through 7/06/08

Quiet First Week of July; June Sales Figures Final tally at 5,763

Pending Sales: 7105 ( +192 from last week)

Active w/ Contingency: 1497 ( + 34 from last week)

Active Listings: 52,283 ( - 99 from last week)

Closed Escrows 6/30-7/6/08 1,452 ( - 42 from last week)

Closed month to Date 7/6/08: 670

A very quiet week due undoubtedly due to the Fourth of July Holiday and also being the first week of the month, as per usual. Pending Sales have bounced back nicely, but we have reached a AWC plateau in the short term. There seems to be just a slight bit of elasticity upwards over 1500, but that seems to be a resistance point. However, The pending and AWC numbers at these levels would support significant increases in sales over the second half of last year, so we are definitely on a better track. Sales last July and August were 4,683 and 4,302 respectively. We are on a trend to beat those numbers, and hopefully that trend will continue.

Listings declined somewhat in the past week. Hopefully that is a continuing trend, but I am hearing that there are some significant amount of listings coming on line through banks. We will see how that affects listings. If we can continue to stay in the 5K sales range, we will be doing better than all of the second half of last year, and should show some improvement.

August 4,302
September 3,375

October 3,431
November 3,313
December 3,341

As you can see, the bar is not very high for increasing sales, but by posting month over month gains, and year over year gains, we will be able to start changing the psychology of the potential buyer out there, and encourage future purchasing behavior. We are definitely in a position to start blowing by last year's numbers, but I can almost assure you that the news will then focus on how we are not doing as well as 2006 or 2005. It is inevitable they will do that.

I am working on a chart for the first half of the year, but have had some sizing glitches posting it, but will attempt to get that rectified and get it posted.

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