Thursday, May 1, 2008


April Sales Total- How did we finish?

Sales figures for the month of April are in....there will be a few stragglers, so I expect this number to go up a bit, but this gives us a good indication. We had a blowout last three days of the month, and finished at a very respectable 4,804. That beats March handily, and while it is no where near the 5,475 from April 07, very few people would expect it to be. It is not where we need to be long term either, but it is a good step. If you annualize that rate, it brings us down below a 12 month supply of homes on the market. That is a bench mark we haven't seen in a while, and I think it is significant. This is a very encouraging number given our market right now. The fact we have experience four straight months of growth, that activity is picking up, that active listings are starting to slip ever so slightly, and that the financial markets seem to stabilized may point us to a fourth quarter recovery. I have not been impressed with new home sales figures as of yet; they seem to be just treading water. When there are some signs of new home purchases showing some robustness, I will feel a lot better.

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